Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Angry Bird Madness: Day 2 The Minions

Hello Blog land!
Who has piggie minions?  I DO!
Made in the same fashion as the pinata just with small balloons.

I used the inside of a paper towel roll for noses and ears. Hot glued them on then covered and painted.

I used my printer to print the eyes  then cut them out a sharpie and scrapbook paper scraps for all the other details.  These guys are going to be placed on a structure  made of boxes and the children at the party will take turns throwing balls at them to knock them off. I though of doing a sling shot but as the average age of the kids attending is 4 not thinking its a good idea.
That's all for today,

Monday, September 26, 2011

Angry Bird Madness: Day 1 The Piggy Pinata

Hello all welcome to day 1 of my insane party prep.  I am a Virgo so there fore I am a planner... (and I'm OCD and occasionally ADD at the same time) so I decided to get an early start on my baby Boo's birthday party.  I started with the mandatory pinata.  Having never made a pinata before I googled and You tubed for days and finally found the courage to try and make one. I found this pinata maker and got lots of tips.  I started with a base of a punch ball
this was stage one, many layers later I covered the whole form with white craft paper as a base for the crepe paper layer
I used cardboard as the base for the ears and snout then a small balloon form cut in half for the eyes

I hot glued the eyes on then covered the whole structure with strips of crepe paper using good old Elmer's glue.
this is about half done I fringed the paper by hand and put it on in about 12 inch strips.

I glued on paper for the mouth eyes and eyebrows and a crown that I have since decorated with plastic gems and glimmer mists.  The crown covers the hole for the candy.  I plan to load this guy up with eggs filled with candy stickers and toys.  'Cause we all know that the king pig eats the most eggs! :)
Day 2 will involve minions... Hee hee hee
See you then

Friday, September 23, 2011

Coming Soon!

Almost done with the paper portion of birthday prep 3 to go.  Monday I will start the marathon of posts for all that I have made.  Then the cake research will begin. :)  Not sure what we are having cake or cupcakes.  Boo wants cupcakes, Daddy wants a playable cake.  As it's Boo's b-day I think he will be the winner, (and cupcakes will be easier) ;)
So get ready blog land the Angry Birds are coming!